Monday, 7 March 2016


As mentioned in my previous behind the scenes post, Kate and I will be constantly updating our brand by providing minor behind the scenes video to post to our social media websites. Since then, we have both taken part in editing and co-ordinating our next BTS video - a basic BTS video that provides a montage of clips of the action behind the camera. Our main aspects for this video are:

   - An insight into our actors and the crew behind the camera
   - Clips showing how our production has been directed, including teases showing the crew setup
   - A journal from one of our actors them-self. Marc created a video journal of his experience with
     working with DownStage on each of the shoot dates he was on.
   - Constantly adding elements of humour which not only shows how our production has both a
     serious yet enjoyable side. For example, the end of the video shows Marc attempting to act but
     taking 10 takes, in which he nicknamed himself '10 Take Tit'.
   - An upbeat soundtrack to create a relaxed and enjoyable perspective when watching our video.

Below is a link to our second Behind the Scenes Video:

All in all,  I feel by frequently updating our social media is a key way to maintain our audience's engagement swell as helping to gain a wider audience. The next video which we are currently working on now is based on the question: 'If you could play another role in Downstage, who would it be?' This will be aimed to be uploaded onto our social websites within the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned!


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