Final Shooting Script
Below is my final shooting script for the promotional video. I decided to update this to make editing for me easier as I'll know exactly what ordering I will need. This has been changed after my final shooting date. The changes I've made to the script are:
- Adding the interview about how the Dockyard became a tourist site for the introduction
- Adding in interview names, interviews at the festival.
- All the content which I aim to have for the video from the festival
- Removing the future of the Dockyard and having the ending to be what makes the Dockyard
special, which revolves of a montage of interviews of staff and one tourist
- I haven't added in the exact narration throughout, and instead just wrote the interview questions
down as this saves time and isn't entirely important
- The graphics showing the title of 'Steam & Transport' and the graphics at the end giving the
Dockyard's open/closing times and the website.
The title for the shooting script has also been named 'Appendix 3', as this will be referenced for my report.
Appendix 5 - Shooting Script
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