How Can I Remove Grain From an Image?
A couple of my shots for my film have lots of background noise which annoyingly distorts the image quality. So, I decided to do some research to see how this grain can be reduced to help and give me image a better quality.
Most of the videos I looked at have plug ins for after effects as well as additional software such as 'Neat Image' which does all this for you, however these come at a price which I can't afford.
Nonetheless, I spoke to our technician Ferg, and he told me that this can be done on After Effects, so I then tried to see if it would work.
After opening up one of the clips which was grainy and creating a new composition, I clicked on the effects and presets tab to see a 'remove grain' effect. This works by selecting part of an image where you can then alter how much grain you want to remove, or even add. The problem with this is that it contrasts the colours together to remove grain which leaves the image to come out soft, depending on how much grain you add.
Nonetheless, I selected a light part of the image (the blue sky at the top of the clip) as well as other parts to see whether this could proceed or not. Unfortantely, every time I tried to do this the image came out really soft and made it look out of focus, and only managed to remove some grain instead of all of it (or enough so that the image looks better).
Therefore, I may have to leave this scene like it is which will mean i'll have a shot with bad quality, however its better doing that instead of removing the clip itself otherwise it will effect the consistency of my film. (as one shot will jump to another, disrupting the flow)
I will continue to research how I can reduce this without buying software. If not, one of my colleagues has Neat Image so I could ask to borrow it to try and solve this problem.
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