Why am I Researching After Effects?
Adobe After Effects is a software which allows you to create graphics for post production. This will be needed for our news report as we will need graphics for our news branding and logo to introduce, end and to create links between our stories. As I am not entirely familiar with After Effects (the only time I've used it is when we had a workshop around a month ago, which I've spoke about on one of my blog posts), I've decided to do some research to learn how I can create these graphics.
As I've previously mentioned, I've already learnt the basics on After Effects. This includes things such as basic animation, image stabilisation and green screening.
How Will I Research This?
Of course, I will be needing tutorials to give me an insight into how to create these graphics and to make them exactly how I want (which you can see in my 'logo design' post). This is why I will be researching this on a website called 'Lynda.com'. It is an official published website which gives almost every piece of information you will need on certain softwares. For example, it also has tutorials on Final Cut Pro.
Before I begin to list what ideas my group and I have for our graphics, I will begin by researching to see how these ideas can be adapted and additionally improved hopefully from the tutorials I'll be looking at. Below is what I will be researching as this is what I'll need to learn for my animation.
- Making text become bigger and smaller
- Letters coming up individually
- Making texts move around then back to original state
To help me with the following, I googled these key words onto youtube to see if anyone has uploaded a video which can help.
Basic Tutorial on Moving Text (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3h2pbZkMT4)
This tutorial was quite helpful as it was the basic introduction on how to animate text e.g. making each letter come up one by one. It tells you how to make text 3D text (which isn't relevant however still useful), giving text shadows and then the basics. Nonetheless, this taught me how to move letters individually which is what I needed to learn, as well as the basics such as bringing text into screen as well as making them leave as well plus making text bigger and smaller.
Making an object move using key frames, and so that it returns to the original position.
(Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayUJtTxdBBQ)
This research was needed to enable me to spin the university hat and so it lands on the exact same position. I also needed this hat to expand and contract parallel with the text as it becomes animated. Nonetheless, the video was very basic yet helpful - it taught me how to move images by using key frames and transform tool as well as making them rotate. This is exactly what I need as all the hat has to do is to spin and move, returning back to it's original space.
It also mentioned to use the exact same dimensions for the transformation/rotation tools to make sure it returns back to the exact original spot. As well as this, it showed me how to make the hat parallel with the font so that it moves in and out with it.
All in all, these basic tutorials were exactly what I needed as I didn't plan to do anything fancy with the animation, it only needed be a simple animation.
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