Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Script Draft No.3

As previously mentioned in my other script draft & feedback posts, my script was still in working progress. Below are the notes which I noted from the feedback from Simon:

Here is my 3rd draft of the script. It has faced several minor changes and a few major changes and the script is generally much easier to read in terms of it's description and structure. Some of the changes I made were:

 - Generally cutting down the descriptive side of the script.
    - For example, removing words such as 'Meanwhile', 'Then' and other connectives, so now the
      script says exactly what is happening without any extras to make it seem like a story.
- Adding in subtle narrative aspects to the characters that enable the audience to learn a bit more about their lifestyle.
    - For example, Alex's relationship with her ex and why she is into theatre
    - Vic seeming caring with Maddie
    - Hints that Jordan may actually be homosexual, hence why he isn't satisfied with Chantelle.
    - How Chantelle has a very selfish and antagonistic side to her, by making her intimidate John.
 - Checking the tenses throughout the script and altering moments to show what the characters are
   doing, instead of saying what they're doing.
    - For example, instead of saying that Ruby is 'falling in love', we see her convey actions that show
      that she is.
 - More hints that the documentary crew are there.
    - Inviting them to the party scene
 - Changing the scene numbers so they are in chronological order, including the timings (i.e. early
   afternoon, morning, etc)

Below is my third draft of the script - some parts of the script are in bold so that I know which parts are the bits that have been worked on are.


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