As part of my dissertation, I've decided to conduct research on both mediation theory and dominant ideologies. Below are some of the books I've been looking at, and the quotations which I may include for my dissertation.Mediation Theory
Realism and 'Reality' in Film and Media
Whilst planning for my dissertation proposal, I came across this book which Ihave then looked at again in more detail:
"However, the new key word for the new reality genres is entertainment, a fact that is especially true of some of the sub forms on commercial television where entertainment is combined with certain elements of information and documentary qualities:" (page 159)

"At the same time, the consciousness and awareness of 'mediation' and the staging of reality in media becomes part of the planning communication for institutions..." "....and part of of the media reception of ordinary viewers." (page 160-161)
This quote is very beneficial as it sums up by explaining that mediation is the 'staging of reality in media', showing how producers cleverly show what they want to help create and form the reception of the show for the audience.
"Public and private merge and create new forms... when ordinary people suddenly become public stars and 'role models' after appearing in reality shows" (page 161)
This quote can be used when discussing Benefits Street, as it can relate to how one of the characters thrived from Benefits Street and even made it into Celebrity Big Brother. Additionally, this also highlights how the process of mediation enables everyday people whom are chosen to become inspirations and newly celebrities.

Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis
Also whilst planning for my dissertation proposal, I came across a book which has a theory amongst
mediation, which can be described in the quotations below.
mediation, which can be described in the quotations below.
Although very detailed, this is a useful quotation which helps to describe the process of mediation. The main problem is it's length, making it difficult to refer into my dissertation.
Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories
"refers to communication and interaction through a medium in a particular setting, where the message and the relation between sender and receiver may be affected." (page 11)Compared to the other quotations just discussed, this works the best in terms of defining what mediation is in simple terms.
"Analyses of mediation focuses on how the media influences both message and relation between sender and receiver" (page 11)
The Conflict and Culture Reader
"In fact, mediation is a hegemonic process precisely because it generates a dominant ideology by creating a web of shared meanings, a web created out of the available stories/myths and their endangered forms of practices. " (page 30)
- linking with dominant ideologies
"mediation requires radical shifts in notions of power, ideology, justice and neutrality" (page 30)
- Can be used when talking about capitalism, as it mentions how power has a effect on the process
of mediation
Dominant Ideologies
Television Studies
"It describes system of beliefs that are widely shared in a society at a moment in time, which come to take an extraordinary power because they are normalised by everything from schools, to religious organisations, to the content of popular media such as television."(page 45)
"Dominant ideology is often thought of as 'common sense'" (page 45)
Television and its viewers
"a great deal of television will be associated with the tendency to hold specific and distinct conceptions of reality " (page 3)
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