Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Scene which links to the poem

How Did It Go?

All in all, I felt that today's filming went quite well. I managed to get everything I needed as well as some extra scenes, and luckily the weather was sunny and didn't rain whilst we were filming.

All the shots were all filmed meaning that I got what I wanted, however I had to make a couple of changes, which you can see below:

- Decided to bring some artificial candles, to add some lighting to my dark scene. Originally I was
  going to bring real candles however wasn't allowed to have them lit in the room I was filming in.
- Additional scenes showing the loneliness of my female character, which I done on a large patch of
  grass located on the Historic Dockyard site. This included her sitting on a bench playing with a leaf,
  and wondering along the patch of grass.
- Shots showing what the memorial looked like, as it had features built in as well as the names of those
  who were in the war and were killed.
- Extra shots of the poet scenes, reinforcing her loneliness from the use of a long shot of the other end
  of the table she was sitting on
- Placing the rose onto a sand bed which was made for Remembrance Day, which worked out as a
  bonus because it looked better than placing it on it's own next to the memorial (helped to reinforce the
  'blackness' of the rose.
Memorial Scene

Was There Any Problems?

However, I also came across a couple of problems:

- As it was recently Remembrance Day, there were still lots of poppies placed onto the memorial. At
  first I didn't think this would be a problem however the poppies had been modernised: they had print
  and generally looked plastic and artificial which you wouldn't expect during the first World War.
  This meant that I had to film around the poppies (as I couldn't move them as this would be
- Similarly, the war memorial was also a WW2 memorial, meaning it had the dates scattered across  
  the memorial. This meant that I had to make sure that these weren't in my film as it wouldn't suit the
  time era.
- Some scenes showed quite low lighting, therefore I had to add a lighting gain, leading to some of
  the footage to show some grain (however only to a certain extent)
Poet Scene

What Went Well?

The day's filming however also had some advantages, which were:

- The poppies which you can see in the background help to reinforce the theme of death, as well as
  the sand bed being perfect to lay the black poppy
- Hopefully the graphic match will work with ease, as I zoomed right in with the photo frame to allow
  more space for the match to work.
- I have additional sound footage which can be incorporated into my film. For example, the noise of
  the pencil writing.
- The war memorial allowed me to gain extra footage of those who have fallen. This is because one
  side of the wall showed stone artwork which rein acts iconic parts of the war
Rose placed on the sand bed

Estimated Shooting Times

Memorial Scene
Tuesday 19th November
Location: Historic Dockyard, Chatham. ME4 4TE
Scenes covered: 2,4,8
10:00am: Meet up/Set up
10:30am: Scene 8
12:00pm: Short Break (15 mins). Walk to next location (Commissioners House)
12:15pm: Arrive at next Location. Set Up
12:45pm: Scenes 2 and 4
2:00pm: 30 min Break
2:30pm: Any Additional Scenes, if not WRAP
4:00pm: WRAP

Poet Scene


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