Thursday, 16 October 2014

After having a tutorial with my course leader, I came across some points of advice however quite a large problem with my essay.

What's changing?

The essay itself can contain examples of film, however the main focus is to instead have a larger focus on a television example. This means that I cannot use Gatsby as my main text and that I now need to find a television example to focus the essay on (and use Gatsby as a film example and for a secondary comparison).

Although this is a major change, in a way it isn't too worrying as I can still use key points I was going to use for Gatsby, however I just need to incorporate it into a television example.

Grimm TV series 2011 - Present

So I begun brainstorming which examples of television I could use, until I came across the new television called Grimm. Why have I decided to use this? Primarily it was the main television programme which drew my attention to the most.

I recently watched a trailer of it (as I have never seen it before) and just from the trailer I could see how I could adapt this into my essay. The series itself doesn't have a direct adaptation of an original text - instead it has traces of several from the 'Fairy Tale' genre, allowing me to develop my interpretations on a broader choice.

Throughout my tutorial my course leader also mentioned that I needed to have more references focusing on fiction adaptation, as most of my references only relate to the theories which I am planning on using (which you can see in my 'Essay Bibliography References' post. So I've decided that I'll head down to my university library and try to find books/DVDs relating to fiction adaptation in general.

As I've changed my essay structure, I will now create a post analysing the Grimm series like I did with the Gatsby film, which will be uploaded shortly!


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